李洁老师五合一毛毛虫英语2.0 - 猎人搜索 轻松搜寻全网资源
- file:117.14.6 读本练习:月亮的变化规律都掌握了吗?来大展身手吧! .mp4
- file:26.第4讲 Car Parts 4.1 课程介绍:了解本节课的学习内容 .mp4
- file:326.26.4 Building a Road 练习单 .mp4
- file:29.4.5 词汇拼读:练习重点词汇的首字母发音 .mp4
- file:299.第15讲 Space 15.1 Space 读本 .mp4
- file:119.14.8 知识拓展: 了解月亮为什么会变化,你也可以在家动手做一做月相哦 .mp4
- file:290.11.2 Go Animals Go 歌曲 Animals on the Farm .mp4
- file:104.13.3 词汇练习:联系实际事例,理解重点词汇意义 .mp4
- file:281.Vegetables 歌曲 蔬菜主题歌曲2 .mp4
- file:307.19.3 Making Salsa 推荐歌曲 Count to 10 in English and Spanish! .mp4
- file:247.28.7 模仿跟读:整书跟读,轻松掌握阅读内容 .mp4
- file:139.17.2 词汇讲解:分析声音,学习本课重点词汇 .mp4
- file:135.16.6 读本练习:强化练习,加深读本理解 .mp4
- file:329.28.3 City Shapes 推荐歌曲1 Shapes song for kids .mp4
- file:207.24.5 读本讲读:跟着老师一起了解青蛙的生命周期 .mp4
- file:319.22.4 Different Kinds of Sharks 练习单 .mp4
- file:268.30.9 知识拓展2: 跟着老师一起学唱The Family Song .mp4
- file:129.15.9 课程总结:总结本课重点及资源 .mp4
- file:156.18.9 Wake Up Rooster 课程总结:本节课的学习目标总结以及课后资源说明 .mp4
- file:277.Hello Butterfly 练习单 .mp4
- file:127.15.7 模仿跟读:跟着老师掌握单词的发音以及句子的流利度 .mp4
- file:24.3.8 课程总结:回顾课程,查漏补缺 .mp4
- file:20.3.4 词汇拼读:通过音节加深单词记忆 .mp4
- file:320.23.3 All About Penguins 练习单 .mp4
- file:05.1.4 读本讲读:读本《Spring and Fall》讲解 .mp4
- file:234.27.3 词汇练习: 在实际语境中加深对词汇的理解 .mp4
- file:98.03.双音节词汇175词(上).mp4
- file:100.05.多音节词汇46词.mp4
- file:60.(动物)Bought Me a cat.mp4
- file:68.(跨文化)One Light One Sun.mp4
- file:84.(月份)12 Months Song(1)更多资料.mp4
- file:88.中文翻译)Go to School and Sing Along.mp4
- file:65.(故事)There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly.mp4
- file:74.(律动)You Are My Sunshine.mp4
- file:58.(动物)Do You Ears Hang Low.mp4
- file:75.(律动)One Little Act of Kindness更多资料.mp4
- file:70.(跨文化)Hello to All the Children of the World更多资料.mp4
- file:63.(故事)Little Bunny Foo Foo.mp4
- file:62.(故事)There Was a Princess Long Ago.mp4
- file:69.(跨文化)Join in Hands With Other Lands.mp4
- file:89(中文翻译)Up To The Clouds更多资料.mp4
- file:76.(律动)Peace Llke a River.mp4
- file:67.(节日)We Are a Family.mp4
- file:78.(身体部位)Toes Up Toes Down.mp4
- file:82.(语言)My Aunt Came Back.mp4
- file:86.教学-勇气大爆发熟悉歌词.mp4
- file:80.(语言)ABC you later更多资料.mp4
- file:66.(故事)Once an Austrian Went Yodeling.mp4
- file:64.(故事)Princess Pat.mp4
- file:79.(食物)Let's go to the market.mp4
- file:77.(律动)Down in the Valley.mp4
- file:72.(跨文化)The Seven continents Song更多资料.mp4
- file:71.(跨文化)He's Got the Whole World.mp4
- file:90(中文翻译)Daylilies.mp4
- file:61.(故事)Way Up High in an Apple Tree.mp4
- file:94.(跨文化)The World is a Rainbow.mp4
- file:100.(律动)My Heart Feels Full.mp4
- file:97.(律动)Explorer of the Wild.mp4
- file:96.(律动)I Am Peace.mp4
- file:95.(文化)It Takes a Village to Raise a Child.mp4
- file:98.(律动)Studio Song.mp4
- file:92.(故事)Louise Loves Art.mp4
- file:103.(月份)Auld Lang Syne.mp4
- file:91.(故事)Green Grass Grew All Around.mp4
- file:93.(跨文化)One Small Vioce.mp4
- file:æè¯88-102.pdf
- file:4.梦想家--Dreamer.mp4
- file:9.我的好妈妈--My Dear Mommy.mp4
- file:2.花园种花--Gardening.mp4
- file:1.勇气大爆发--Courage.mp4
- file:7.声声慢--Slow Slow Song.mp4
- file:5.你笑起来真好看--Your Smile is Sweet and.mp4
- file:8.听我说谢谢你--Say Thank You.mp4
- file:45.(颜色)Apples Are Red.mp4
- file:32.(季节)Sing-a-Ling.mp4
- file:17.(跨文化)There Are Many Ways to Sing Hello.mp4
- file:18.(跨文化)Frère Jacques (Brother John) - France.mp4
- file:49.(律动)Clap Along With Me.mp4
- file:10.(故事)Found a Peanut.mp4
- file:42.(星期)Days Are In A Week.mp4
- file:38.(数字)One Two Buckle My Shoe.mp4
- file:1.(动物)Baby Shark.mp4
- file:8.(故事)Five Little Ducks.mp4
- file:6.(故事)On Top of Spaghetti.mp4
- file:15.(科普)Farmer Plants the Seeds.mp4
- file:41.(天气)What's the Weather.mp4
- file:52.(语言)ABC手势歌.mp4
- file:55.(月份)Months Syllable Song.mp4
- file:19.(跨文化)Hello,Hola,Bonjour.mp4
- file:29.(律动)If You Can Hear Me.mp4
- file:30.(律动)John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.mp4
- file:34.(律动)The More We Get Together.mp4
- file:36.(身体部位)Tap Your Toe and Follow Me.mp4
- file:35.(身体部位)Tickly Rain.mp4
- file:14.(科普)The Seed Cycle.mp4
- folder:李洁老师五合一毛毛虫英语2.0
- folder:【毛毛虫】李洁英语儿歌教学+磨耳朵课程
- folder:【毛毛虫】双外教剧情版自然拼读课程(131节)
- folder:【毛毛虫】英语阅读初阶课(334节)
- folder:【毛毛虫】新课标词汇课5节
- folder:2.0版儿歌配套资源
- folder:英语儿歌课程1.0(58-90节)
- folder:歌词PPT 102首
- folder:英文歌教学版-分级2.0中译英儿歌(1-10)
- folder:配套音频
- folder:英文儿歌2.0演唱版
- folder:3_字母组合演绎
- folder:1_26个字母
- folder:绘本故事-分级2.0
- folder:英文绘本精读1.0 1-30节
- folder:更新2.0
分享时间 | 2025-02-27 |
入库时间 | 2025-02-28 |
状态检测 | 有效 |
资源类型 | QUARK |
分享用户 | 乐观*朗的秋菊 |