2.0毛毛虫李洁老师五合一 - 猎人搜索 轻松搜寻全网资源
- file:97.02.单音节词汇343词(下).mp4
- file:15.2.7 欢乐唱读:同韵律不同形式的读本唱读 .mp4
- file:45.6.4 词汇拼读:通过音节,拼出完整词汇 .mp4
- file:161.19.5 读本讲读:读本《Making Salsa》讲解 .mp4
- file:162.19.6 读本练习:通过阅读练习,加深对读本的理解 .mp4
- file:61.8.2 词汇讲解:重点词汇音节讲解 .mp4
- file:311.21.4 On the Farm 歌曲:Farm Animal Song .mp4
- file:154.18.7 Wake Up Rooster 模仿跟读:跟着老师一起流利阅读 .mp4
- file:303.16.4 I Love the Earth 推荐绘本 What a Wonderful World .mp4
- file:81.10.7 唱读-跟读:一起轻松掌握阅读内容 .mp4
- file:39.5.7 知识拓展1:世界最漂亮的9种蝴蝶读音及产地 .mp4
- file:66.8.7 知识拓展:了解五感以及相关内容 .mp4
- file:315.21.8 On the Farm 绘本推荐:Doggies .mp4
- file:44.6.3 读本讲读:读本《My House》讲解+练习 .mp4
- file:308.第19讲 Making Salsa 19.1 Making Salsa 读本 .mp4
- file:71.9.4 读本讲读:了解昆虫生长地区,让宝贝拓展知识面 .mp4
- file:184.21.9 课程总结:本节课的学习目标总结以及课后资源说明 .mp4
- file:85.第11讲 Go Animals Go 11.1 课程介绍:了解本课学习内容及讲授方式 .mp4
- file:96.12.4 词汇拼读:科学分析单词,加速宝贝记忆学习 .mp4
- file:179.21.4 词汇拼读:重组每个单词的声音,轻松记忆单词 .mp4
- file:157.19.2 词汇讲解:帮助宝贝建立声音与意义之间的链接 .mp4
- file:186.第22讲 Different Kinds of Sharks 22.1 课程介绍:了解本课学习内容及讲授方式 .mp4
- file:73.9.6 知识拓展:全面了解昆虫,提升综合能力 .mp4
- file:207.24.5 读本讲读:跟着老师一起了解青蛙的生命周期 .mp4
- file:18.3.2 词汇讲解:通过音节和声音学习单词并理解意义 .mp4
- file:1. 离别开出花英文版.mp4
- file:3. 五一出行歌.mp4
- file:2. 母亲节,mommy.mp4
- file:84.(月份)12 Months Song(1)更多资料.mp4
- file:89(中文翻译)Up To The Clouds更多资料.mp4
- file:60.(动物)Bought Me a cat.mp4
- file:87.(中文翻译)教学-勇气大爆发音乐加动作.mp4
- file:80.(语言)ABC you later更多资料.mp4
- file:90(中文翻译)Daylilies.mp4
- file:62.(故事)There Was a Princess Long Ago.mp4
- file:68.(跨文化)One Light One Sun.mp4
- file:75.(律动)One Little Act of Kindness更多资料.mp4
- file:69.(跨文化)Join in Hands With Other Lands.mp4
- file:71.(跨文化)He's Got the Whole World.mp4
- file:82.(语言)My Aunt Came Back.mp4
- file:63.(故事)Little Bunny Foo Foo.mp4
- file:78.(身体部位)Toes Up Toes Down.mp4
- file:88.中文翻译)Go to School and Sing Along.mp4
- file:61.(故事)Way Up High in an Apple Tree.mp4
- file:58.(动物)Do You Ears Hang Low.mp4
- file:79.(食物)Let's go to the market.mp4
- file:64.(故事)Princess Pat.mp4
- file:72.(跨文化)The Seven continents Song更多资料.mp4
- file:77.(律动)Down in the Valley.mp4
- file:76.(律动)Peace Llke a River.mp4
- file:70.(跨文化)Hello to All the Children of the World更多资料.mp4
- file:65.(故事)There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly.mp4
- file:67.(节日)We Are a Family.mp4
- file:80_英文歌 _ 教学版 _ 经典流行-0-Courage 勇气大爆发-教学.mp4
- file:103_英文歌 _ 教学版 _ 难度分级3-3-Green Grass Grew All Around .mp4
- file:90_英文歌 _ 教学版 _ 难度分级1-1-One light One Sun 沐浴阳光教学版.mp4
- file:100_英文歌 _ 教学版 _ 难度分级2-2-When the Sun Goes Down 当太阳下山.mp4
- file:79_英文歌 _ 教学版 _ 经典流行-0-你笑起来真好看 Your Smile is Sweet .mp4
- file:92_英文歌 _ 教学版 _ 难度分级1-1-Twelve Months Syllable Song .mp4
- file:99_英文歌 _ 教学版 _ 难度分级2-2-Sing a Rainbow 彩虹之歌教学版 教学.mp4
- file:91_英文歌 _ 教学版 _ 难度分级1-1-Seven Days Are in a Week 星期歌.mp4
- file:94_英文歌 _ 教学版 _ 难度分级1-1-ABC Phonic Song ABC自然拼读歌单词-教.mp4
- file:88_英文歌 _ 教学版 _ 难度分级1-1-Five Little Monkeys Jumping .mp4
- file:102_英文歌 _ 教学版 _ 难度分级2-2-Ladybug 小瓢虫-教学.mp4
- file:101_英文歌 _ 教学版 _ 难度分级2-2-As Quiet As a Mouse 像老鼠一样安静-.mp4
- file:89_英文歌 _ 教学版 _ 难度分级1-1-Mary Had a Little Lamb 玛丽有只小.mp4
- file:32_英文歌 _ 演唱版 _ 难度分级1-1-Rain Rain Go Away小雨小雨,快走开-演唱.mp4
- file:49_英文歌 _ 演唱版 _ 难度分级2-2-We‘re Going on a Bear Hunt我们.mp4
- file:45_英文歌 _ 演唱版 _ 难度分级2-2-Tap Your Toe And Follow Me 全.mp4
- file:41_英文歌 _ 演唱版 _ 难度分级2-2-Meet the Color Blue蓝色相遇-演唱.mp4
- file:40_英文歌 _ 演唱版 _ 难度分级2-2-Let's Go to The Market上市场去喽-.mp4
- file:34_英文歌 _ 演唱版 _ 难度分级1-1-Sing The Alphabet--26个字母自然拼读.mp4
- file:51_英文歌 _ 演唱版 _ 难度分级2-2-You Are My Sunshine 你是我的太阳-演.mp4
- file:2_英文歌 _ 演唱版 _ 经典流行-0-Slow Slow Song 声声慢-演唱.mp4
- file:35_英文歌 _ 演唱版 _ 难度分级1-1-There’s Something in My Gard.mp4
- file:38_英文歌 _ 演唱版 _ 难度分级1-1-Yes No啊哈歌-演唱.mp4
- file:48_英文歌 _ 演唱版 _ 难度分级2-2-Way Up High in the Apple Tre.mp4
- file:30_英文歌 _ 演唱版 _ 难度分级1-1-On In Under By上面 里面 下面 旁边-演唱.mp4
- file:29_英文歌 _ 演唱版 _ 难度分级1-1-Old MacDonald Had a Farm麦当纳爷.mp4
- file:26.(律动)Yes No.mp4
- file:12.(节日)Happy Mother's Day.mp4
- file:9.(故事)Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See.mp4
- file:48.(颜色)Color Chant.mp4
- file:51.(语言)ABC Phonics Song.mp4
- file:5.(故事)five little ducks.mp4
- file:37.(身体部位)Elehants Have Wrinkles.mp4
- file:49.(律动)Clap Along With Me.mp4
- file:38.(数字)One Two Buckle My Shoe.mp4
- file:44.(星期)Days of the Week Syllable Song.mp4
- file:33.(律动)Come And Make a Circle.mp4
- file:36.(身体部位)Tap Your Toe and Follow Me.mp4
- file:41.(天气)What's the Weather.mp4
- file:52.(语言)ABC手势歌.mp4
- file:29.(律动)If You Can Hear Me.mp4
- file:14.(科普)The Seed Cycle.mp4
- file:4.(动物)Little Green Frog.mp4
- file:2.(动物)little Peter Rabbit.mp4
- file:40.(数字)Doctor Knickerbocker.mp4
- file:39.(数字)Number 1-10.mp4
- file:11.(节日)Hugs and kisses.mp4
- file:25.(律动)Funny Faces.mp4
- file:53.(语言)Apples And Bananas.mp4
- file:43.(星期)Today is Monday.mp4
- file:Mary Had a Little Lamb--玛丽有只小羊盖.mp4
- file:Sing a Rainbow--彩虹那端.mp4
- file:When the Sun Goes Down--当太阳下山后.mp4
- file:Baby Shark--鲨鱼宝宝.mp4
- file:Seven Days Are in a Week--星期歌曲.mp4
- file:Twelve Months Syllable Song--十二月份拼读歌.mp4
- file:Twinkle Twinkle Little Star--小星星.mp4
- file:æè¯88-102.pdf
- file:101.(律动)The Happy Song.mp4
- file:103.(月份)Auld Lang Syne.mp4
- file:95.(文化)It Takes a Village to Raise a Child.mp4
- file:94.(跨文化)The World is a Rainbow.mp4
- file:93.(跨文化)One Small Vioce.mp4
- file:102.(律动)No No Gnome.mp4
- file:92.(故事)Louise Loves Art.mp4
- file:100.(律动)My Heart Feels Full.mp4
- file:97.(律动)Explorer of the Wild.mp4
- file:91.(故事)Green Grass Grew All Around.mp4
- file:1.勇气大爆发--Courage.mp4
- file:8.听我说谢谢你--Say Thank You.mp4
- file:2.花园种花--Gardening.mp4
- file:9.我的好妈妈--My Dear Mommy.mp4
- file:7.声声慢--Slow Slow Song.mp4
- file:5.你笑起来真好看--Your Smile is Sweet and.mp4
- file:4.梦想家--Dreamer.mp4
- file:67. Clap Your Hands.mp3
- file:22.音频-I AM PEACE.mp3
- file:64. Up To The Clouds.MP3
- file:3.音频-Books Books.MP3
- file:30.音频-Studio Song.mp3
- file:15.音频-Apples Are Red.MP3
- file:37.音频-ABC.MP3
- file:33.音频-Good Morning Everyone.mp3
- file:20.音频-You Are My Sunshine.mp3
- file:38. 音频-A Ram Sam Sam.mp3
- file:1-2_41-外教情景演绎-组合音a-e.mp4
- file:1-9_102-短音组合ipidin.mp4
- file:1-15_108-系统精讲eareer.mp4
- file:1-22_115-系统精讲spstscsk.mp4
- file:1-1_27-外教字母ppt-AB.mp4
- file:1-22_Theartistwhopaintedabluehorse更多资源可加ziliaowangzhe5188.mp4
- file:1-14_HickoryDickoryDock更多资源可加ziliaowangzhe5188.mp4
- file:1-33_Overinthemeadow.mp4
- file:1-25_LetsGetDressed.mp4
- file:1-18_Theshapeofmeandotherstuff.mp4
- file:1-8_ImtheMusicMen.mp4
- file:1-7_FiveLittleMonkeyssittingonthetree.mp4
- file:1-1_Sevenblindmice.mp4
- file:1-15_10ThingICandotoHelpMyWorld.mp4
- file:1-23_DimSumforEveryone.mp4
- file:1-14_ReadtoYourBunny.mp4
- file:1-11_Thefarmerinthedell.mp4
- file:1-24_Giggle.mp4
- file:1-9_TheWheelsontheBus.mp4
- file:1-10_DryBones.mp4
- file:1-21_Uh-ohImsorry.mp4
- file:1-27_TenLittleRubberDucks.mp4
- file:1-32_Animalsdefinitelynotwear.mp4
- file:1-28_HowdodinosaursayIloveyou.mp4
- file:1-31_Millionsofcats.mp4
- file:1-13_ThisOldMan.mp4
- file:1-17_Ohthethinksyoucanthink.mp4
- file:1-4_HandasSurprise.mp4
- file:1-5_Peppasbusyday.mp4
- file:1-29_Theverylonelyfirefly.mp4
- file:1-22_WhatsintheWitchsKitchen.mp4
- file:1-18_BabyBearBabyBearWhatdoYouSee.mp4
- file:1-13_Maryhadalittlelamb.mp4
- file:1-15_Ketchuponyourcornflakes.mp4
- file:1-23_CountWithMe.mp4
- file:1-4_FromHeadtoToe.mp4
- file:1-1_GoAwayBigGreenMonster.mp4
- file:1-30_ClickClackMoo.mp4
- file:1-25_Myveryfirstbookofmotion.mp4
- file:1-7_MouseCount.mp4
- file:1-29_RedLightGreenLight.mp4
- file:1-16_123tothezoo.mp4
- file:1-14_GoodnightMoon.mp4
- file:1-9_ImaPuppy.mp4
- file:1-22_BigSmallShortTall.mp4
- file:1.MOO BAALALALA--咩咩啦啦啦 .mp4
- file:4.The Very Quiet Cricket--非常安静的.mp4
- file:3.lf You're A Robot And You Know lt--如果你是一个机器人并目你知道.mp4
- file:2.Doggies--狗狗们.mp4
- file:8.Daddy Robot--爸爸机器人.mp4
- file:7.Papa,please get the moon for me--爸爸帮我把月亮摘下来.mp4
- file:5.The Very Hungry Caterpillar--好饿好饿的毛毛虫.mp4
- file:25.Uh-Oh! I'm Sorry.mp3
- file:12.Banana.MP3
- file:21.Dear Zoo--亲爱的动物园.mp3
- file:23.Open the Barn Door--打开谷仓的门.mp3
- file:11.Big Bigger Biggest.MP3
- file:10.Opposites.MP3
- file:22.Count With Me--和我一起数数.mp3
- file:4.My Very First Book of Words--我的第一本单词书.mp3
- file:18.I am a Puppy--我是一只小狗.mp3
- file:17.If You Are a Robot And You Know it.mp3
- file:16.Not A Box.MP3
- file:26.Ten Apples Up On Top!.mp3
- file:15.The Artist Who Painted A Blue Horse.MP3
- file:14.Which Is Round?Which Is Bigger?.MP3
- file:3.Good Night,Gorilla--晚安,大猩猩.mp3
- file:8.When I Grow Up.MP3
- file:7.Yo! Yes.mp3
- file:13.Animal Rescue.MP3
- file:19.I am a Kitten.mp3
- file:3.guess how much l love you.mov
- file:1.InchbyInch.mp4.mov
- file:4.the rooster struts.mov
- file:2.daisy Eat Your Peas.mov
- file:5.Maisy goes camping.mov
- file:Dreamer-梦想家.mp3
- file:Gardening-花园种花.MP3
- file:Slow Slow Song-声声慢.mp3
- file:Courage-勇气大爆发.MP3
- file:Daylilies-萱草花.MP3
- file:My Dear Mommy-我的好妈妈.mp3
- file:You Smile is Sweet and Bright-你笑起来真好看.MP3
- file:Say Thank You《听我说谢谢你》.pptx
- file:UP To The Clouds《向云端》.pptx
- file:Ladybug 《小瓢虫》.pptx
- file:As Quiet As a Mouse《像老鼠一样安静》.pptx
- file:ABC Phonic Song《ABC自然拼读歌》.pptx
- file:梦想家.mp3
- file:你笑起来真好看.mp3
- file:2.The Runaway Bunny.mp4
- file:24.Once Upon a Time.mp4
- file:18.Joseph Had a Little Overcoat.mp4
- file:21.Butterfly Butterfly.mp4
- file:30.The Napping House.mp4
- file:13.Oink baa moo.mp4
- file:31. The Rainbow Fish.mp4
- file:20.The Carrot Seed.mp4
- file:4.The Very Busy Spider.mp4
- file:19.Planting a Rainbow.mp4
- file:16.A Color of His Own.mp4
- file:27. Froggy Gets Dressed.mp4
- file:28 Peppa's Chinese New Year.mp4
- file:32. click clack moo cows that type.mp4
- file:8.We're going on a bear hunt.mp4
- file:22. My Dad.mp4
- folder:2.0毛毛虫李洁老师五合一
- folder:【毛毛虫】李洁英语儿歌教学+磨耳朵课程
- folder:【毛毛虫】双外教剧情版自然拼读课程(131节)
- folder:【毛毛虫】新课标词汇课5节
- folder:【毛毛虫】英语阅读初阶课(334节)
- folder:抖音热歌6节
- folder:英语儿歌课程1.0(58-90节)
- folder:英文歌教学版-分级2.0(77-103)
- folder:英文儿歌2.0演唱版
- folder:2.0版儿歌配套资源
- folder:歌词PPT 102首
- folder:配套音频
- folder:3_字母组合演绎
- folder:2_26个字母精讲
- folder:英文绘本精读1.0 64-95节
- folder:绘本故事-分级2.0
- folder:更新2.0
- folder:3.新版绘本2.0【双语】字幕版 【分级3】已更新33节已完结
- folder:2.0英文分级更新104-181节
分享时间 | 2024-11-20 |
入库时间 | 2024-11-21 |
状态检测 | 有效 |
资源类型 | QUARK |
分享用户 | 夸父*源14 |