【戴维·尤里奇】 - 猎人搜索 轻松搜寻全网资源
- file:《通用电气模式》戴维·尤里奇等【2011】.pdf
- file:《人力资源管理的未来:64位管理大师纵论HR的今天与未来》戴维·尤里奇等【2006】.pdf
- file:《领导力品牌:培养以客户为中心的领导者以驱动绩效和建立持久价值》戴维·尤里奇【2009】.pdf
- file:《领导力密码:卓越领导者必备的5大核心要素》戴维·尤里奇等【2011】.pdf
- file:《绩效导向的领导力:领导者业绩提升的关键》戴维·尤里奇等【2004】.pdf
- file:《国际化的HR:用国际化的视野提升企业竞争》戴维·尤里奇【2014】.pdf
- file:《公司转型:全球著名公司组织变革与领导力开发的最佳案例》戴维·尤里奇等【2005】.pdf
- file:The Why of Work: How Great Leaders Build Abundant Organizations That Win.pdf
- file:The Future of Human Resource Management:64 Thought Leaders Explore the Critical HR Issues of Today and Tomorrow.pdf
- file:Organizational Learning Capability:Generating and Generalizing Ideas with Impact.pdf
- file:HR Transformation: Building Human Resources From the Outside In.pdf