【看美剧学英语】《老友记》全十季 中英双字 附音频剧本台词 - 猎人搜索 轻松搜寻全网资源
- file:新东方英语精析《老友记》.pdf
- file:《老友记》词汇频率表.xls
- file:《老友记》全10季英文剧本台词PDF.exe
- file:cover.jpg
- file:跟着美剧《老友记》学英语.pdf
- file:《老友记》重点难点分析.doc
- file:老友记重聚特辑.2021.HD1080p..mp4
- file:【课程02】12.27 怂恿闺蜜买买买,千万别用 recommend|纠音版.wma
- file:【课程18】能把让人闻风丧胆的虚拟语气讲得这么温馨可爱,只有老友记!纠音版.wma
- file:【课程21】在外企想跟老板提加薪这事?英文得先用对了!讲解版.wma
- file:【课程07】直男癌看过来,教你如何夸女孩子年轻(讲解版).wma
- file:【课程介绍1】为什么学口语一定要选择《老友记》?.wma
- file:【课程05】12.30 如果你不懂搭讪妹子,至少别用错anyway|讲解版.wma
- file:【课程19】人生再怎么一团糟也能熬出来的 讲解版.wma
- file:【课程13】老友记中最喜欢这个妹子--友情至上且从不说谎 讲解版.wma
- file:【课程04】12.29 你真的get了《老友记》的美式幽默吗?|纠音版.wma
- file:【课程23】老友记里的Joey:吃遍纽约各色美食,泡遍纽约各色美女.docx
- file:【课程介绍2】这才是《老友记》作为国民口语教材的技术含量.wma
- file:【课程09】Welcome to the real world 原来是这个意思!(讲解版).docx
- file:【课程11】-老友记第一季第一集就有这么多地道英语和外国文化|讲解版.docx
- file:【课程15】八字没一撇,你瞎激动什么呀! 讲解版.docx
- file:801 The One After I Do.doc
- file:818 The One In Massapequa.doc
- file:819 The One With Joey’s Interview.doc
- file:823 The One Where Rachel Has A Baby part 1-2.doc
- file:806 The One With The Halloween Party.doc
- file:119 The One Where the Monkey Gets Away.doc
- file:105 The One With the East German Laundry Detergent.doc
- file:101 The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate (The Pilot-The Uncut Version).doc
- file:104 The One With George Stephanopoulos.doc
- file:120 The One With the Evil Orthodontist.doc
- file:620 The One With Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E..doc
- file:604 The One Where Joey Loses His Insurance.doc
- file:606 The One The Last Night.doc
- file:624-625 The One With The Proposal.doc
- file:622 The One Where Paul’s The Man.doc
- file:615 The One That Could Have Been.doc
- file:621 The One Where Ross Meets Elizabeth’s Dad.doc
- file:919 The One With Rachel's Dream.doc
- file:921 The One At The Fertility Clinic.doc
- file:901 The One Where No One Proposes.doc
- file:907 The One With Ross's Inappropriate Song.doc
- file:216 One Where Joey Moves Out.doc
- file:205 The One With Five Steaks and an Eggplant.doc
- file:213 The One After the Superbowl part 2.doc
- file:224 The One With Barry and Mindy's Wedding.doc
- file:1005 The One Where Rachel's Other Sister Babysits.doc
- file:1017-1018 - The Last One.doc
- file:1001 The One After Joey and Rachel Kiss.doc
- file:423-424 The One With Ross’s Wedding Parts I and II.doc
- file:420 The One With All the Wedding Dresses.doc
- file:317 The One Without The Ski Trip.doc
- file:321 The One With A Chick. And A Duck.doc
- file:311 The One Where Chandler Can't Remember Which Sister.doc
- file:711 The One With All The Cheesecakes - 712 The One Where They’re Up All Night.doc
- file:708 The One Where Chandler Doesn’t Like Dogs.doc
- file:523-524 The One In Vegas.doc
- file:【918】The One With The LotterySY.pdf
- file:【913】The One Where Monica SingsSY.pdf
- file:【923+924】The One In BarbadosSY.pdf
- file:【911】The One Where Rachael Goes Back to WorkSY.pdf
- file:【905】The One With Phoebe's Birthday DinnerSY.pdf
- file:【423+424】The One With Ross's Wedding - The Uncut VersionSY.pdf
- file:【410】The One With The Girl From PoughkeepsieSY.pdf
- file:【102】 One With the Sonogram at the EndSY.pdf
- file:【714】The One Where They All Turn ThirtySY.pdf
- file:【723+724】The One With Chandler and Monica’s WeddingSY.pdf
- file:【321】A Chick and a DuckSY.pdf
- file:【322】The ScreamerSY.pdf
- file:【304】The One with the Metaphorical TunnelSY.pdf
- file:【324】The One With The Ultimate Fighting ChampionSY.pdf
- file:老友记.H265.1080P.SE04.04.mkv
- folder:【看美剧学英语】《老友记》全十季 中英双字 附音频剧本台词
- folder:《老友记》中英文剧本
- folder:《老友记》1-10季+重聚特辑1080P 内嵌硬字幕版
- folder:新东方口语名师Sara:听《老友记》,学地道美语
- folder:08
- folder:Season 06
分享时间 | 2024-11-22 |
入库时间 | 2024-11-25 |
状态检测 | 有效 |
资源类型 | QUARK |
分享用户 | 小* |