English Public Speaking - 猎人搜索 轻松搜寻全网资源
- file:外研社杯全国英语演讲大赛宣传片-学生版.mpg
- file:Self Introduction Speech (1).mp4
- file:Introduction Speech(XSKLM-20160220V--Administrator--2016-02-21-21,54,05).pptx
- file:InformativeSpeech-revised 2.ppt
- file:How to Start a Speech.flv
- file:How to Make a Great Introduction Speech - Public Speaking.mp4
- file:course syllabus_2.doc
- file:英语听说IIB卷武老师用.doc
- file:PartIII.wav
- file:B答案.doc
- file:B 卷抬头.wav
- file:Schools Kill Creativity.doc
- file:persuasion_day_1_4.ppt
- file:Every Kid needs a champion.twd
- file:Unit 2.twd
- file:Pattie Maes and Pranav Mistry demo SixthSense.doc
- file:Pattie Maes and Pranav Mistry demo SixthSense(XSKLM-20160220V--Administrator--2016-02-21-21,54,04).doc
- file:演讲B卷PartII始于8‘08”间隔10秒.MP3
- file:part I 3'12''间隔15秒.mp3