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- file:UTM Simmonds J.G. A Brief on Tensor Analysis (2nd Ed)(T)(123s).djvu
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- file:UTM MarsdenWeinstein Calculus II (Springer).pdf
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- file:UTM Notes on Set Theory 2ed_Yiannis Moschovakis (Springer 2006 285s).pdf
- file:UTM Protter M.H. Basic Elements of Real Analysis (1998).pdf
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- file:UTM Saxe K. Beginning functional analysis (2002)(ISBN 0387952241)(KA)(T)(210s).djvu
- file:UTM Mathematics A Concise History and Philosophy Anglin 0387942807.djvu
- file:UTM Silverman J. Tate J. Rational points on elliptic curves (1992).djvu
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- file:UTM Singer S. - Linearity symmetry and prediction in the hydrogen atom - 2005 - ISBN 0387246371 (404s).pdf
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- file:UTM Problems and Solutions for Undergraduate Analysis (Rami Shakarchi Serge Lang) 0387982353.djvu
- file:UTM Schiff J L Laplace Transformation Theory And Applications (1999)(245S).pdf
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- file:UTM Paul R.Halmos - Naive Set Theory van.Nostrand.1960.djvu
- file:UTM Lang S. Undergraduate algebra (3ed 2005)(ISBN 0387220259)(398s).djvu
- file:UTM Gordon H. Discrete probability (1997).djvu
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- file:Spherical inversion on SLn̳(R) -- Jorgenson, Jay; Lang, Serge, 1927-2005 -- 2001 -- New York_ Springer -- 9780387951157 -- b71353e20ed158eca53a0c02459141ba -- Anna’s Archive.pdf
- file:Topics in Global Real Analytic Geometry (Francesca Acquistapace, Fabrizio Broglia etc.) (Z-Library).pdf
- file:Thomas S. Angell - Optimization Methods in Electromagnetic Radiation-Springer (2004).pdf
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- file:T.Y. Lam - Serre's Problem on Projective Modules-Springer (2006).pdf
- folder:【数学+高等数学】SMM(Springer Monographs in Mathematics)
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