雪梨英语大合集 - 猎人搜索 轻松搜寻全网资源
- file:Lesson 38 如何用英语表达观点.mp4
- file:Lesson 35 拒绝情绪发泄,实现有效沟通.mp4
- file:Lesson 31 回应他人:好消息,坏消息.mp4
- file:Lesson 37 最进阶的 Storytelling:演讲.mp4
- file:Lesson 18 不怕语法!学会内化规则.mp4
- file:Lesson 16 词汇场景练习课(上).mp4
- file:Lesson 39 你是对的:对话中的赞同和反对.mp4
- file:Lesson 22 英文俗语:苹果和橙子.mp4
- file:【试听课】口语练习.mp4
- file:《初级英语语法》课程讲义.pdf
- file:《完美发音课》课程讲义,仅供雪梨老师学员学习使用.pdf
- file:66.Lesson 66 句子类型(主谓双宾和主谓宾补).mp4
- file:62.Lesson 62 现在完成时(常见句型).mp4
- file:59.Lesson 59 一般过去时 (实义动词).mp4
- file:15.Lesson 15 时间介词拓展in on at.mp4
- file:30.Lesson 30 be动词的疑问句.mp4
- file:1.Lesson 1 什么是名词.mp4
- file:13.Lesson 13 复习课(代词+be动词+名词所有格).mp4
- file:29_Lesson 29 副词的基本形式.mp4
- file:034.Lesson 34 助动词 DO DOES—否定句.mp4
- file:027.Lesson 27 时间的表达 to past quarter half.mp4
- file:043.Lesson 43 形容词比较级的应用.mp4
- folder:雪梨英语大合集
- folder:【雪梨老师英语】
- folder:雪梨老师新概念1~2册全套课程
- folder:【哈佛雪梨】英语口语教学+场景练习
- folder:雪梨老师《英语自然拼读+音标+发音规则》课程
- folder: 07.【完结】雪梨老师-新概念英语2022-2023年1-2册【视频+PDF+跟读音频】
- folder:01.【完结】雪梨老师课程三合一【自然拼读+国际音标+口语发音规则】
- folder:雪梨老师音标自然拼读口语 三合一
- folder:2.新概念英语1共216节课不缺课
- folder:02.【完结】雪梨初级英语语法课【视频课+课件PDF】
- folder:电子讲义2023全套
- folder:口语3合1 口语教学+场景练习资料包
- folder:7.国际音标:元音(已完结)
- folder:2.自然拼读:短音组合(已完结)
- folder:9.口语发音规则(以完结)
- folder:【2022】雪梨新概念英语第1册【144节 视频】
- folder:03.新概念英语第1册ppt课件
- folder:01.新溉念第一册144
- folder:02.新概念1册教材笔记讲义习题详解
- folder:1.自然拼读:26个字母发音
- folder:雪梨老师课程电子讲义359页
- folder:赠课系列
- folder:1、自然拼读 适合小孩
- folder:2、国际音标
- folder:Lesson 58
- folder:L143 A walk through
- folder:L82 I had
- folder:L134 He said (that) he
- folder:L20 Look at them!
- folder:L144 He hasn't been... yet
- folder:L53 An interesting climate
- folder:L17 How do you do_
- folder:L132 He may be
- folder:L98 Whose is it_
- folder:L25 Mrs. Smith's kitchen
- folder:L84 Have you had..._
- folder:L58 What's the time_
- folder:L139 Is that you_ John_
- folder:L107 It's too small
- folder:L45 The boss's letter
- folder:L30 What must I do_
- folder:L39 Don't drop it!
- folder:L48 Do you like ..._
- folder:L38 What are you going to do_
- folder:L42 Is there a...in_on that.._
- folder:L104 Too_ very_ enough
- folder:L78 When did you..._
- folder:L35 Our village
- folder:L37 Making a bookcase
- folder:L22 Give me_him_her_us_them
- folder:L80 I must go to the
- folder:L133 Sensational news!
- folder:L47 A cup of coffee
- folder:L127 A famous actress
- folder:L15 Your passports_ please
- folder:L64 Don't...! You mustn't...!
- folder:L57 An unusual day
- folder:L135 The latest report
- folder:L49 At the butcher's
- folder:L65 Not a baby
- folder:雪梨老师初级英语语法电子版讲义
- folder:【新课首发】英语雪梨老师:中高级英语语法课_雪梨英语教育(金牌课程大促)
分享时间 | 2025-03-13 |
入库时间 | 2025-03-19 |
状态检测 | 有效 |
资源类型 | QUARK |
分享用户 | 温和*黄鸭 |