主流英语外教教材教案包 - 猎人搜索 轻松搜寻全网资源
- file:说明(1).txt
- file:05 Basic 2_Unit 2.pptx
- file:10 Advanced 1 Unit12.pptx
- file:09 Intermediate 3_Unit 12.pptx
- file:Starter 3-Unit 11.pptx
- file:18、第十八课 岗位匹配(1)- 安利个人综合实力 Fit for the position(1) - Show your strengths.pdf
- file:5、第五课 面试准备(5)- 细节决定面试成败 Prepare for an interview (5) - Keep in mind the...pdf
- file:12、第十二课 工作经验(2)- 职场上的十八般武艺 Work experience(2) - Introduce your work skills.pdf
- file:25、第二十五课 主动提问(5)- 合理理解公司需求 Ask questions(5) - Inquire about the job requ....pdf
- file:30、第三十课 面后沟通(3)- 后续面试,再接再厉 After the interview (3) - Fix the time for a ....pdf
- file:16、第十六课 团队合作(1)- 培养你的职场口碑 Team work(1) - Get along with your colleagues.pdf
- file:13、第十三课 工作经验(3)- 曾经扛过的大旗 Work experience(3) - Say the greatest challenge...pdf
- file:6、第六课 自我介绍(1)- 我有背影,也有背景 Self-introduction (1) - Describe your educatio....pdf
- file:27、第二十七课 模拟面试 -- 从实践中寻找改善 Mock interview - Show what you have learned.pdf
- file:10、第十课 求职动机(2)- 谈谈你对行业的看法 Motivation(2) Share your understanding of the ....pdf
- file:1、第一课 面试准备(1)- 选好职位才能有的放矢 Prepare for an interview.pdf
- file:9、第九课 求职动机(1)- 毛遂自荐的筹码 Motivation(1) - Give reasons for job applying.pdf
- file:18、第十八课 岗位匹配(3)- 我与职位的亲密接触 Position match(3) - Relate the applied-for jo....pdf
- file:22、第二十二课 理智选择,走好职场每一步 Choose between two positions.pdf
- file:20、第二十课 陷阱问题(2) - 吐槽别忘了打腹稿 Tricky questions(2) - Say your dislikes a...pdf
- file:16、第十六课 岗位匹配(1)- 你何以胜任这份工作 Position match(1) - Highlight your qualificat....pdf
- file:27、第二十七课 模拟面试 - 现场模拟最刺激 Mock interview - Simulate a professional interview.pdf
- file:3、第三课 面试准备(2)- 勾画你的职业蓝图 Prepare for a follow-up interview (3) - Draw a...pdf
- file:15、第十五课 团队合作(2)- 得体评价老东家 Team work(2) - Make Comment on your previous su...pdf
- file:14、第十四课 团队合作(1)- 搭建你的职场人缘 Team work(1) - Handle your relationship with y....pdf
- file:24、第二十四课 主动提问(2)- 谈钱得先动脑 Ask questions(2) Learn about salary and bonuses.pdf
- file:6、第六课 自我介绍(3)- 用口碑安利自己 Self-introduction (3) - Say how others describe you.pdf
- file:7、第七课 求职动机(1)- 这份工作哪里吸引你 Motivation(1) - Show why the position attract....pdf
- file:17、第十七课 岗位匹配(2)- 合理利用自己的短板 Position match(2) - Turn your weakness into s...pdf
- file:10、第十课 工作经验(2)- 人非圣贤,孰能无过 Work experience(2) - Talk about failures you e....pdf
- file:26、第二十六课 主动提问(4)- 公司看重的员工品质 Ask questions(4) - Know what qualifications ....pdf
- file:19、第十九课 陷阱问题(1)- 谈谈你的理想工作 Tricky questions(1) - Describe your ideal job.pdf
- file:11、第十一课 工作经验(3)- 巧答凸显问题解决能力 Work experience(3) - Show your problem-solvi..pdf
- file:8、第八课 洞察行业发展 Motivation(2) Analyze the trend of product development已.pdf
- file:Learn and Talk II Lesson 40- Achievement Test 4.pdf
- file:Learn and Talk II Lesson 82 - Vuitton plans Paris show of MoMA works.pdf
- file:Learn and Talk II Lesson 85 - New step for traditional Chinese culture.pdf
- file:Learn and Talk II Lesson 77 - Teen films to welcome the new semester.pdf
- file:Lesson 98 Delight.pdf
- file:Lesson 30 Finding a Book at the Bookstore.pdf
- file:Lesson 16 Chinese Food.pdf
- file:Lesson 107 Global Warming.pdf
- file:Lesson 58 Working Overtime.pdf
- file:Lesson 31 Renting an Appartment.pdf
- file:Lesson 78 Taking part in a Party.pdf
- file:Lesson 8 Return _ Refund.pdf
- file:Lesson 23 Asking for Directions.pdf
- file:Lesson 120 Achievement Test 13.pdf
- file:Lesson 39 A Visit to the Zoo.pdf
- file:Lesson 49 University Classes.pdf
- file:Lesson 4 Shopping for a TV.pdf
- file:LTO 93.pdf
- file:LT0 Lesson 38 - Tests.pdf
- file:Lesson81 Roast beef and potatoes 烤牛肉和土豆.pdf
- file:Lesson4 Is this your _ 这是你的吗?.pdf
- file:Lesson100 He says that She says that They say that 他
- file:Lesson98 Whose is it_ 它是谁的_ Whose are they_ 它们是谁的_.pdf
- file:Lesson133 Sensational news! 爆炸性新闻!.pdf
- file:Lesson73 The way to King Street 到国王街的走法.pdf
- file:Lesson14 What colour's your _ 你的是什么颜色的?.pdf
- file:Lesson116 Every, no, any and some 每一、无、若干和一些.pdf
- file:Lesson107 It's too small 太小了。.pdf
- file:Lesson61 A bad cold 重感冒.pdf
- file:Lesson42 Is there a in
- file:Lesson57 An unusual day 不平常的一天.pdf
- file:Lesson9 How are you today _ 你今天好吗?.pdf
- file:Lesson105 Full of mistakes 错误百出.pdf
- file:Lesson135 The latest report 最新消息.pdf
- file:Lesson112 How do they compare_ 比一比.pdf
- file:Lesson128 He can't be 他不可能…… He must be 他肯定是.pdf
- file:Lesson122 Who (whom), which and that 关系代词.pdf
- file:Lesson15 Your passports, please 请出示你们的护照。.pdf
- file:Lesson125 Tea for two 两个人一起喝茶.pdf
- file:Lesson45 The boss's letter 老板的信.pdf
- file:Lesson72 When did you _你什么时候_.pdf
- file:Lesson1 Excuse me !对不起!.pdf
- file:Lesson18 He often does this ! 他经常干这种事! -Part 2.pdf
- file:Lesson82 Monster or fish_ 是妖还是鱼_ -Part 1.pdf
- file:Lesson79 By air 乘飞机 -Part 2.pdf
- file:Lesson69 But not murder! 并非谋杀! -Part 1.pdf
- file:Lesson64 The Channel Tunnel 英吉利海峡隧道 -Part 1.pdf
- file:Lesson85 Never too old to learn 活到老学到老 -Part 1.pdf
- file:Lesson51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 -Part 2.pdf
- file:Lesson6 Percy Buttons 珀西巴顿斯 -Part 2.pdf
- file:Lesson4 An exciting trip 激动人心的旅行 -Part 2.pdf
- file:Lesson39 Am I all right _ 我是否痊愈? -Part 1.pdf
- file:Lesson77 A successful operation 一例成功的手术 -Part 1.pdf
- file:Lesson24 It could be worse 不幸中之万幸 -Part 1.pdf
- file:Lesson76 April Fools' Day 愚人节 -Part 1.pdf
- file:Lesson91 Three men in a basket 三人同篮 -Part 2.pdf
- file:Lesson26 The best art critics 最佳艺术评论家 -Part 1.pdf
- file:Lesson36 The cost of government 政府的开支 -Part 2.pdf
- file:Lesson10 Silicon valley 硅谷 -Part 1.pdf
- file:Lesson9 Royal espionage 王室谍报活动 -Part 1.pdf
- file:Lesson2 Spare that spider 不要伤害那蜘蛛 -Part 1.pdf
- file:Lesson32 Galileo reborn 伽利略的复生 -Part 2.pdf
- file:Lesson30 Exploring the sea floor 海底勘探 -Part 2.pdf
- file:Lesson28 Patients and doctors 病人和医生 -Part 1.pdf
- file:Lesson39 What every writer wants 作家之所需 -Part 1.pdf
- file:Lesson1 Finding fossil man 发现化石人 -Part 1.pdf
- file:Lesson43 Are there strangers in the space_ 宇宙中有外星人吗? -Part 2.pdf
- file:Lesson47 The great escape 大逃亡 -Part 1.pdf
- file:Lesson8 Trading standards 贸易标准 -Part 2.pdf
- file:Lesson13 It's only me! 是我!别怕! -Part 1.pdf
- file:Lesson10 The loss of Titanic “泰坦尼克号”的沉没 -Part 1.pdf
- file:Lesson16 Mary had a little lamb 玛丽有一头小羔羊 -Part 1.pdf
- file:Lesson31 A lovable eccentric 可爱的怪人 -Part 1.pdf
- file:Lesson15 Fifty pence worth of trouble 五十便士的麻烦 -Part 1.pdf
- file:Lesson58 A spot of bother 一点儿小麻烦 -Part 1.pdf
- file:Lesson17 The longest suspension bridge in the world 世界上最长的吊桥 -Part 1.pdf
- file:Lesson12 Life on a desert island 荒岛生活 -Part 1.pdf
- file:Lesson23 One man's meat is another man's poison 各有所爱 -Part 1.pdf
- file:Lesson35 Justice was done ! 伸张正义! -Part 1.pdf
- file:Lesson19 A very dear cat 一只贵重的宝贝猫 -Part 1.pdf
- file:Lesson24 A skeleton in the cupboard “家丑” -Part 1.pdf
- file:Lesson6 Smash and grab 砸橱窗抢劫 -Part 1.pdf
- file:Lesson57 Back in the old country 重返故里 -Part 1.pdf
- file:Lesson55 From the earth _ Greetings 来自地球的问候 -Part 1.pdf
- file:Lesson53 In the public interest 为了公众的利益 -Part 1.pdf
- file:012.pdf
- folder:主流英语外教教材教案包
- folder:Wonder skills(1-6年级)
- folder:Interview English 面试口语
- folder:Learn and Talk
- folder:New Concept English 新概念英语
- folder:talk talk talk(成人)
- folder:IELTS 新雅思口语5.5分-7.5分
- folder:oxford discover series(牛津探索系列1-6年级)
- folder:Smile Junior(启蒙到小学六年级)
- folder:Movers(剑桥少儿英语 movers两个级别)
- folder:let_s go 5th edition(牛津少儿英语lets go第五版)(1-6年级)
- folder:American English textbook(美国小学阅读课本)启蒙到四年级
- folder:basic(贝达)
- folder:Smile Daily (成人)日常生活口语
- folder:Smile Reading 分级阅读
- folder:starter
- folder:Nat geo Readers Magazines(国家地理小读者系列 启蒙到三年级)
- folder:starlight( 启蒙-小学六年级牛津优培
- folder:1Oxford Reading Tree(牛津阅读树系列1-6年级)
- folder:BEC(成人)新编剑桥商务英语初中高
- folder:剑桥少儿KIDs BOX(启蒙到6年级)
- folder:朗文(side by side)
- folder:the big english series(培生 big English)
- folder:Wonders(加州语文)
- folder:All together(启蒙到六年级)
- folder:Magic English(启蒙到初三魔法英语)
- folder:05 basic 2
- folder:10 Advanced 1
- folder:09 intermediate 3
- folder:31
- folder:《面试口语初级》(Level 4-6)
- folder:01.新雅思口语中级・冲刺5.5分
- folder:Oxford Discover 5 Student Book
- folder:Movers 1
- folder:04-Lets Go 5th 4-SB
- folder:01 American School Textbook Reading Key PreK1
- folder:02-Level 1 5-7岁
- folder:01-Pre-Reader 2-5岁
- folder:04-explore my world
- folder:牛津培优 Starlight Level 4
- folder:01 -BEC-primary初级
- folder:03-BEC-advanced高级
- folder:3 Big English 3 SB American
- folder:加州语文Wonders G3 (主教材)
- folder:1.preschool
- folder:2.primary
分享时间 | 2024-10-23 |
入库时间 | 2024-11-06 |
状态检测 | 有效 |
资源类型 | QUARK |
分享用户 | 一生*世五 |