【大学四六级】 - 猎人搜索 轻松搜寻全网资源
- file:2017年大学生英语六级答题卡.pdf
- file:六级高频词汇.pdf
- file:20年6月有道四级写译.pdf
- file:四六级考试前夜预测.mp4
- file:【四级寒假全程班】阅读3.mp4
- file:词汇导学.mp4
- file:【四级全程班】语法4-长难句的构成.mp4
- file:语法2-简单句的核心变化.mp4
- file:2017年6月(三套全)扫描版 解析.pdf
- file:2011年12月六级听力原文及答案.docx
- file:2010年12月英语六级真题及答案(含听力原文).pdf
- file:2020年7月6级真题解析.pdf
- file:2020-7.m4a
- file:大学英语六级(CET-6)历年真题大全[90-07年37套].pdf
- file:2019.12六级解析第一套.pdf
- file:❤ 英语六级答题卡(推荐打印).pdf
- file:2022年9月仅考一套.txt
- file:202007-CET6 听力.mp3
- file:2023年03月六级听力全1套.mp3
- file:2023年03月六级真题全3套【可复制可划线查词】.pdf
- file:本年听力真题仅一套.txt
- file:02.【听力实战】1906(第一套)模考+讲评.mp4
- file:01.【写作精讲】满分范文精析.mp4
- file:06.【翻译精讲】基础入门(1).mp4
- file:03.【阅读实战】仔细阅读1812(下)(1).mp4
- file:10.【翻译精讲】经典句(13).mp4.part
- file:14.【班会】四级中期备考规划.mp4
- file:05.【四级真题词汇】1806(2_4).mp4.mp4
- file:02.【词汇基础包】后缀.mp4
- file:00.【导学指南】寒假规划.mp4
- file:16.【听力精讲】技巧与例题(33).mp4
- file:08.仔细阅读(上).mp4
- file:15.【阅读实战】选词填空1906.mp4
- file:06.写译必备基础语法.mp4
- file:03.【阅读精讲】长篇阅读(匹配题).mp4
- file:Day188 Simplifying Dinner.mp3
- file:Day230 Early Childhood Education.mp3
- file:Day200 How to Help the Next Generation.mp3
- file:Day262 To Be a Versatile Talent.mp3
- file:Day217 Stop Terrorists at the Border.mp3
- file:Day250 Seek a Raise.mp3
- file:Day224 Human Violence.mp3
- file:Day272 Mars.mp3
- file:Day193 Oil beneath ANWR.mp3
- file:Day227 Rubbish’s Recycling.mp3
- file:Day249 The Development of Potato Chips.mp3
- file:Day203 Absent-minded Peak Periods.mp3
- file:Day270 Virtual Reality in Medicine.mp3
- file:Day204 Who Has the Custody Right to Children.mp3
- file:Day274 Security of Net.mp3
- file:Day264 Future Traffic.mp3
- file:Day226 Is the World’s Environment Healthy.mp3
- file:Day242 Extraordinary Gifted Students.mp3
- file:Day257 Globalization.mp3
- file:Day185 Bottled Water and Tap Water Which Is.mp3
- file:Day237 Decline in American Moral Standards.mp3
- file:Day192 Replace Opponent with Associate.mp3
- file:Day255 Downswing in Rail System.mp3
- file:Day267 Asteroids Threat Life on Earth.mp3
- file:Day225 Debunking a Medical Treatment.mp3
- file:Day244 A Challenge to MBA.mp3
- file:Day215 The Cure for Seasonal Depression.mp3
- file:Day275 Radiation Affects Airline Navigation.mp3
- file:四级高分写作.mp4.part
- file:四级语法录播课PPT勘误.pdf
- file:03.定语从句.mp4
- file:四级全程1班口语语法.pdf
- file:03.听力题型介绍与备考策略.mp4
- file:07.总结与备考方向指导.mp4
- file:01.四级各题型与分数概况介绍.mp4
- file:06.长难句训练方式与提升.mp4
- file:05.背单词误区与高效记忆方式.mp4
- file:12.中间段 真题示例.mp4
- file:08.功能句写作图表描述 谚语说明.mp4
- file:03.过渡性词语及常用词替换.mp4
- file:02.评分标准及评卷实例.mp4
- file:01.高分写作备考攻略.mp4.mp4
- file:13.功能句写作-归纳总结,建议措施.mp4
- file:05.真题文章类型及写作框架.mp4
- file:10.功能句写作 具体意义 举例论证 .mp4
- file:四级翻译课程讲义内容补充.docx
- file:02.最常考词汇预测.mp4
- file:09.名词性与副词性从句(下).mp4
- file:03.长对话3种必考题型.mp4
- file:01.听力导学.avi.mp4
- file:07.短文题3大常考题材之记叙文.mp4
- file:06.短文题6大难点+7大出题点.mp4
- file:10.新闻部分讲解.mp4
- file:01并列句+状语从句+时态(1).mp4
- file:19.CET4真题-2014.06-1-仔细阅读下.mp4
- file:15.仔细阅读-2013.06-柯达.mp4
- file:01.解题原则-先题后文.mp4
- file:09.段落匹配-2013.12-共享经济.mp4
- file:04.细节题解题方法.mp4
- file:四六级阅读必备锦囊.docx
- file:如何抓住英语四级阅读的主题思想.docx
- file:大学英语四级阅读理解的正确解题姿势.pdf
- file:写作常用句型.docx
- file:四六级写作技巧与干货分享.pdf
- file:四六级口语考试来临,你准备好了么.pdf
- file:CNN新闻听力100篇.pdf
- file:CNN 新闻听力100篇 51-100篇.mp3
- file:39.L15 该怎么买保险呢-第一组.mp4
- file:35.重点复习3.mp4
- file:18.L7 喜马拉雅的猴子-第二组.mp4
- file:02.L1 加拿大大学也官僚-第二组.mp4
- file:51.2019最新真题听力吃透2.mp4
- file:03.L2 世界人民都缺钱-第一组.mp4
- file:25.L10 夜猫子和早鸟-第二组.mp4
- file:12.L5 老年痴呆没法治?-第一组.mp4
- file:2015年6月六级真题(一).lrc
- file:2015年6月大学英语六级答案解析(三).docx
- file:2013年6月六级考试真题答案解析(第三套).pdf
- folder:【大学四六级】
- folder:六级1989-2020.12所有真题+详解pdf和word版
- folder:2023年以及历年大学英语六级真题大汇总(含听力与答案解析)含3月最新
- folder:有道英语四级全程班
- folder:四六级备考经验
- folder:BBCVOA精华听力练习100篇(四六级题源)
- folder:英语六级听力吃透班视频课程
- folder:【新东方】英语四级备考资料
- folder:2015年6月CET6
- folder:精华学习包
- folder:04.第四阶段
- folder:大学英语四六级晨读经典 冬日沉思篇
- folder:寒假班
- folder:CNN精华听力100篇
- folder:例题训练听力
- folder:2015年6月大学英语六级考试真题及答案解析(一)
- folder:2016年6月大学英语六级第2套
- folder:2013年12月六级考试真题(第二套)
- folder:PDF真题+解析
- folder:02、答案解析
- folder:01、真题PDF版
- folder:真题PDF版(推荐打印)❤️
- folder:2022年12月第1套
分享时间 | 2024-07-16 |
入库时间 | 2024-09-09 |
状态检测 | 有效 |
资源类型 | QUARK |
分享用户 | 温情*ey |